Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trevor's First Year Video Montage

I made this slide show to celebrate the first year of our little man's life. The songs are ones that are important to us in some way or another. The first song is the song that I have sang to him at bedtime since he was born.

Fair warning: This is like 11 minutes long!

Trevor's First Birthday

I guess the most exciting thing that has happened since I slacked on this blog was our baby boy turning one year old! That is pure craziness right there. It seems like just yesterday he was a tiny, squishy little newborn. *sigh*

He had a wonderful party!

We had his party on Saturday August 15th, two days before his actual birthday and, coincidentally, on his actual due date. Guests who attended were his Grandma and Grandpa Griffin, Papaw and Mamaw Dodd, his (Great) Mommom, (Great) Aunt Ye-Ye and (Great) Uncle Darrell and their children: Heather, Hali, Jessica and Hunter, Uncle Kaleb, Uncle Katun, Aunt Hannah, Uncle John and Aunt Donna and their children: Clay, Bailey and Ethan, and a wonderful friend of the family, Ryan.

The child was spoiled rotten with presents! He received a Cozy Coupe Car, a Little Red Wagon, a Basket Ball Goal, Mega Blocks, balls, bats, trucks, tractors and much more. He wasn't sure what to think of his smash cake in the beginning, it was his first taste of something so sweet. He warmed up to it pretty quickly though and dug right in. :)

We had a great time visiting with friends and family and are so thankful that so many gathered together to shower our sweet boy with love.

Here are some pictures from the party:

I think I got almost everyone in this one...

The birthday boy!


Party Favors

More food!

It didn't take him long to find his gifts!

Opening Gifts

Bailey helped. :)

Papaw gave him a lift in his shiny new wagon.
Mommom cut the cake!

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy

Let them eat cake!

I love this one. <3>

Our little family

Feeding Grandma

What a mess!

The aftermath

Don't grow up so fast little man. Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Happy First Birthday!

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

We're back! :D

Seriously though, I've decided that it is time to get this blog caught back up and start keeping it updated again. I didn't just drop off the face of the earth. There were specific reasons that I stopped updating this for awhile, but I don't feel like they need to be rehashed here right now. I've decided that those things don't matter so much to me anymore. I've got family far away who don't use facebook, and I know that they are missing the pictures and updates of my little man. So here we go again!

First, I'll start with updating you all on Trevor's latest milestones and such. Throughout the next couple of days there will be tons of pictures posted until I get caught up completely, so bear with me! :)

Today Trevor is almost 15 months old. I can't believe the time has passed so quickly! As I'm typing this, I'm watching him run around the backyard like a madman. I can't believe my baby is already a little boy.

He has 9 teeth currently and is in the process of cutting number ten: four top front center teeth, four bottom center teeth, one top molar and cutting molar number two. He eats anything and everything we eat with his favorite foods being spaghetti, bananas and strawberries. He just recently started eating a bowl of cereal with milk like a big boy. It is adorable. He can use a spoon really well and is learning how to use a fork. He is still nursing about four times a day, first thing in the morning, before nap, before bed and once in the middle of the night somewhere. I plan on letting him self wean and I am stoked that he is still nursing considering how rampant the flu is this year. What better immune booster is there?

Trevor is trying SO HARD to start talking! His sign language has also really taken off. He doesn't do all signs the "correct" way, but does them consistently. One doctor said that it doesn't matter if you just make up your own signs, as long as the child uses them consistently for the same item.

Words he can currently say:

He is trying to say (words that aren't clear yet):

These are the words that he is currently using sign language for. (I love this. Signing makes tantrums happen less frequently, not to mention it is as cute as heck!)

thank you
all gone

Airplanes and kitties (ke ke key-ye) are the love of his life right now. We live really close to an airport and he LOVES watching the planes fly overhead. He points up and says "huh?" (his favorite word) and now makes the sign for airplane. So stinking cute.

At his twelve month checkup, which really happened at 13 months, he weighed 24 pounds and was 33.5 inches tall. He was in the 50th percentile for weight and way off the charts for height. He gets that from me. Yeah right. lol.

His favorite games lately are being chased, a Trevor version of hide and seek (which ends in chasing), peek-a-boo, tackle the cat *rolls eyes*, and patty cake. He LOVES to dance and I have decided that nothing else in this world is cuter. (Video to follow at some point.) He still has a love for balls, blocks, anything with wheels and absolutely adores books. Rusty Robot is currently his favorite book and I bet we read it at least twenty times a day. LOL

Trevor also loves to color and finger paint. He will scribble on a piece of paper for an astounding length of time, and is quite good at handling a crayon. Maybe we have an artist on our hands? His favorite time of day is still bath time. He is very much a water baby. He loves to play outside. I think he would live out there if I would let him. He spends a lot of his free time climbing. Anything is fair game. The couches, end tables, the kitchen table, any stable toy: all suitable for climbing. This keeps me very busy trying to keep him from killing himself. There is never a dull moment here!

As far as the rest of us, we have settled in nicely here in the Fort. It is starting to look like a home instead of a house, the backyard is full of toys and it doesn't feel so foreign anymore. I still miss home terribly, but we are all doing just fine here for now.

Coming soon:

updates to sidebar widgets
Pumpkin Patch Pictures
Halloween Pictures
and other randomness

So stay tuned!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fun in the Sun

I'm slacking on this blogging thing lately. Sorry. I'll try to do better. :P

Anyway, how about a random update of sorts?

Trevor can say Mama and Bye-Bye now, he loves to play peek-a-boo and loves to be chased. He cut one of his top teeth last week and is working on popping another one now! He has mastered drinking out of a sippy cup, loves the sprinkler but not the pool, can run faster than I can walk, goes to bed earlier, sleeps later and is almost sleeping through the night. He eats anything we eat and is developing his own opinion of things-which he makes sure you hear (whether you understand it or not).

We spent the fourth of July here in the Fort. We attempted to fire up the grill and BBQ some ribs and were met with a heavy thunderstorm. Josh brought the grill under the porch and managed to get our dinner done, just a little later than planned. LOL

Anyway, my thoughts are scattered tonight and I'm ready for bed so I'll just post some pictures and promise to make an attempt to blog more often. :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

10 Months Old!

And pictures to prove it. ;)


Playing with rocks

Being silly

Watch me go!

Annoyed with my picture taking

Graham cracker smile

Hiding in the closet

More rocks

Friday, June 12, 2009


The word that seems to define my daily life with my little man right now.

Trevor is sleeping in his own room now. After one long night of a screaming baby and imagining smothering my loudly snoring husband with my pillow, we decided we might all sleep better if we moved Trev into the room across the hall. He has been in there almost two weeks now. The first week sleep was really no different, but this past week things have been smoothing out. He has seemingly dropped his afternoon nap and moved his bedtime up an hour, and in turn is sleeping MUCH better through the night. Instead of waking every couple of hours, I'm now getting 4-6 hour stretches which is wonderful. Plus, instead of going to bed at 7:30 and waking at 6am, he is now going to bed at 6:30 and waking at 8am. Go figure. While the extra sleep is nice, and he does occasionally end up in our bed, I miss having him so near to me all night long.

Today, Trevor signed milk (for nursing) for the very first time. I've been signing it to him for a few months now, and this morning he surprised me by crawling into my lap, signing for milk and tugging on my shirt. He was SO proud of himself when he realized that he communicated to me exactly what he wanted and got it. I was just as proud. Now I need to pick a few more signs to work on with him.

And, to top it all off he is saying "Mama" now. Today Josh was putting himself in between me and Trevor and saying "My Mama" and Trevor started whining and said Mama twice as clear as day while he was reaching for me. He has been trying to say it for awhile now, but today it was so clear and it was obvious that he knew that Mama meant me. Josh is a little jealous that he hasn't said Dada yet, but I have a feeling it won't be long. Dada is becoming the cool kid lately.

My little baby is growing so quickly into a little boy and it is oh-so bittersweet.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Random Snippets of Our Latest Happenings

I figured I might post a new blog considering I did start it to keep you all from going into Trevor withdrawals while we are away. ;)

I don't always have my video camera at my side (bad mommy) but I do usually have my cell phone. So for your viewing pleasure, here are some random cell phone videos from the past few weeks, all of which are 30 seconds or less. :)

Putting his blocks away

Stacking Blocks

Slurping water off the porch

Attempting to say "Mama"

And these three were from this afternoon. He had the BEST time playing with the water hose!

So, that is what we have been up not-so-high-definition-crappy-cell-phone-video style!